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Have you been experiencing neck or lower back pain?

Have you been experiencing neck or lower back pain? Have you been working from home during the lockdown period?

We are able to help you!

Neck, shoulder and back pain is common conditions related to work. These static positions contribute to physical load and pain. Prolonged sitting also slows the metabolism, which affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and break down body fat. • There is no perfect computer workstation set up that can be used all day. • It is important to change posture or do something that uses different muscles many times throughout the day. • Extended periods in similar postures can lead to fatigue or overloading parts of the body and can contribute to injuries such as sprains and strains. • There are many other benefits to moving and changing postures regularly through the work shift. • It is better to take several short breaks rather than one long one. Non-adjustable desk? This advice can help you get to the right height: Raise chair until elbows are slightly above desk height, then put a foot stool beneath feet to keep knees at ±90°.With feet flat on the floor and knees at 90°, lower the keyboard tray to just below elbow height, shoulders relaxed.



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