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Silly season is upon us...

Be aware, not only of COVID-19, but also of all the "Festive season injuries"

FENDER BENDERS: Unfortunately as people go on holiday the roads get busier and accidents happen quickly. Motorists and passengers can often suffer from Whiplash injuries which result in neck and shoulder muscle spasms, neck stiffness, headaches and even symptoms like nausea and dizziness.

FESTIVE WARRIORS: The individuals that all of a sudden shock their bodies by participating in activities that they haven't done in a long time but due to FOMO (fear of missing out) watching from the sideline is just not an option. The most common injury being hamstring and calf strains that arises from playing touch rugby on the beach. And let’s not forget about the upper body where most injuries occur at the shoulder. Overhead activities such as playing volleyball, cricket or throwing ball with the kids/dogs could lead to pain.

SOCIAL INJURIES: Twisting your ankle, falling down stairs or landing on an outstretched hand can lead to serious injuries like forearm or ankle fractures or mild injuries like ligament sprains.

TIPS to survive the silly season:


P: PROTECTION- during the first few days after the injury try to limit activities and movements that increase pain

E: ELEVATE the injured limb higher than your heart

A: AVOID anti-inflammatory medication during the first 48-72hours as it reduces tissue healing

C: COMPRESSION with elastic bandage or taping to reduce swelling

E: EDUCATION. Let nature play its role and avoid unnecessary passive treatments or medical investigations

L: LOAD let pain guide your gradual return to activities

O: OPTIMISM. Being confident and positive about your injury will condition your brain for optimal recovery

V: VASCULARISATION. Perform pain-free cardiovascular activities that will improve blood flow to repair the tissues

E: EXERCISE. Adapt an active approach to recovery which includes rehabilitation of mobility, strength and proprioception.

Pack in a hot water bottle/bean bag or Arnica oil/voltaren gel for those chronic aches and pains that might flare up.

Do not suffer in silence. Consult your physiotherapist to do a full assessment and then facilitate your healing process so that you can enjoy the rest of your well

deserved holiday!


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